Know before marriage

 So, you tied the knot, huh? Congratulations! You’ve officially entered the world of marital blissor so they say. Life after marriage is like diving headfirst into a bowl of alphabet soup—sometimes you find 'LOL', sometimes it's 'WTF'. But hey, isn’t that the beauty of it all?

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Marriage is like a delicious sweet which gives a best taste in your life but sometimes it's sweetness is unstable. So be aware to eat this. Marriage is comes with some advantages and disadvantages. 

Here’s a straightforward look at both sides:

Advantages of Marriage:

1. Emotional Support: Sometimes we feel alone and Marriage is like a medicine that gives you a boast in your life. And often provides a deep emotional bond and support system. Having a partner who is committed to you can be comforting and reassuring in times of need.

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2. Companionship: Your partner is your Supporter that helps you in daily activities. You have a built-in companion for life’s journey. From sharing daily activities to major life events, having someone by your side can alleviate loneliness and enhance experiences.

3. Financial Stability: Marriage gives financial help each other.Marriage can bring financial benefits through shared expenses, tax advantages, and potentially dual incomes, which can improve overall financial stability.

4. Legal Benefits: Married couples often enjoy legal benefits such as inheritance rights, access to healthcare and insurance benefits, and decision-making authority in times of illness.

5. Family and Social Recognition: Marriage make you a good and perfect example of a happy life with your partner.Marriage provides societal recognition and acceptance of your relationship, which can be important for many couples and their families.

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6. Physical Requirements Complition. We all know that a male and female wants a romantic life that is the need of their bodies. And it also gives a happy life with good health. 

7. Good for Human civilization. Marriage gives a new life to human civilization by birth of a child. That is gives a new life to human civilization. 

Disadvantages of Marriage:

1. Loss of Independence: After marriage you want to give information that where you spent every hours.Marriage requires compromise and may involve sacrificing some individual freedom and autonomy. Decisions often need to be made jointly, which can limit personal choices.

2. Financial Obligations: Combined finances can lead to disagreements and financial stress if spending habits or financial priorities differ between spouses.

3. Conflict and Disagreements: Living closely with another person can sometimes lead to conflicts, disagreements, and misunderstandings. Effective communication and conflict resolution skills are crucial.

4. Divorce and Legal Complications: Marriage brings with it the potential for divorce, which can be emotionally and financially draining. Legal proceedings and division of assets can be complex and contentious.

5. Social Pressure: There may be societal pressures and expectations associated with marriage, such as gender roles or cultural norms, which can create stress or conflict within the relationship.

So Now it's your Decision to make your life Interesting....

Ultimately, whether marriage is advantageous or not depends on the individuals involved and their unique circumstances. It’s essential for couples to openly discuss their expectations, communicate effectively, and work together to navigate the challenges and joys that marriage brings.

Also gives your suggestions for more clarity.

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