North Korea facts

North Korea is a highly secretive and isolated country, so there are many fascinating and unusual facts about it. 

Here are some amazing facts about North Korea:

  • North Korea has its own time zone, which is 30 minutes ahead of South Korea and Japan.

  • The country's official name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and its capital is Pyongyang.

  • The country is known for its massive military, with an estimated 1.2 million active-duty soldiers, making it one of the largest standing armies in the world.

  • North Korea is one of the few countries in the world that still practices communism and has a planned economy.

  • The country's leaders, including the current leader Kim Jong Un, are worshiped as deities and are known as the "Supreme Leader."

  • North Korea is one of the most isolated countries in the world, with strict controls on information and limited access to the internet.

  • The country has a highly developed propaganda system, with billboards and posters featuring slogans and images of the leaders everywhere.

  • The country is known for its elaborate mass games, which feature thousands of performers and are held in a massive stadium in Pyongyang.

  • North Korea is one of the poorest countries in the world, with an estimated GDP per capita of only around $1,200.

  • The country is also known for its nuclear weapons program, which has led to significant international tension and sanctions.
  • North Korea has one of the world's lowest rates of mobile phone usage, with the government strictly controlling access to cell phones and the internet.

  • The country has a highly developed cult of personality surrounding its leaders, with statues, paintings, and portraits of them found throughout the country.

  • North Korea is the only country in the world that still uses a 1950s-era Soviet-style economy.

  • The country is known for its "self-reliance" ideology, which emphasizes the need for economic independence and national strength.

  • North Korea is one of the world's most heavily militarized countries, with military spending estimated to be around 22% of GDP.

  • The country has one of the world's lowest rates of electricity consumption, with only a small portion of the population having access to reliable electricity.

  • North Korea has a large number of labor camps, where prisoners are subjected to forced labor, torture, and other human rights abuses.

  • Despite its isolation, North Korea has maintained close relationships with a few countries, including China, Russia, and Cuba.

  • The country's official calendar is based on the birth year of the country's founder, Kim Il Sung, with 2019 being "Juche 108" (Juche being the country's official ideology).

  • North Korea is known for its highly militarized border with South Korea, including the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which is the most heavily fortified border in the world.

  • North Korea has one of the world's lowest rates of mobile phone usage, with the government strictly controlling access to cell phones and the internet.

  • The country has a highly developed cult of personality surrounding its leaders, with statues, paintings, and portraits of them found throughout the country.

  • North Korea is the only country in the world that still uses a 1950s-era Soviet-style economy.

  • The country is known for its "self-reliance" ideology, which emphasizes the need for economic independence and national strength.

  • North Korea is one of the world's most heavily militarized countries, with military spending estimated to be around 22% of GDP.

  • The country has one of the world's lowest rates of electricity consumption, with only a small portion of the population having access to reliable electricity.

  • North Korea has a large number of labor camps, where prisoners are subjected to forced labor, torture, and other human rights abuses.

  • Despite its isolation, North Korea has maintained close relationships with a few countries, including China, Russia, and Cuba.

  • The country's official calendar is based on the birth year of the country's founder, Kim Il Sung, with 2019 being "Juche 108" (Juche being the country's official ideology).

  • North Korea is known for its highly militarized border with South Korea, including the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which is the most heavily fortified border in the world.

These are just a few more fascinating facts about North Korea, which remains one of the world's most enigmatic and isolated countries.


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