Types of Strange marriage

Types of marriage and strange marriage 

Marriage is a union between two individuals, recognized by law and society, that establishes rights and obligations between them. It is a social, cultural, and legal institution that has undergone several changes and modifications over the years, especially with the advent of modernity and globalization. The concept of marriage varies greatly across different cultures, religions, and countries. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the different types of marriage found in India and other countries.

India is known for its diverse cultural heritage, and this diversity is reflected in the various forms of marriage that are practiced in different regions of the country. Some of the most commonly known forms of marriage in India are:

Arranged Marriage: In India, arranged marriages are the most common form of marriage and are often arranged by the parents of the bride and groom. The families come together, exchange information about their children, and if both families agree, the wedding is arranged.

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Love Marriage: Love marriages, also known as free choice marriages, are becoming increasingly popular in India. In these marriages, the bride and groom have chosen each other and get married without the interference of their parents.

Child Marriage: Child marriages were once common in India, especially in rural areas, but are now illegal. Child marriages are marriages in which either the bride or groom is below the age of 18.

Dowry Marriage: Dowry marriage is an outdated form of marriage in which the bride’s family pays a large sum of money or gifts to the groom’s family as a form of payment for the groom to take the bride as his wife. This form of marriage has been illegal in India since 1961.

In Western countries, the concept of marriage is slightly different and is often based on individual freedom and equality. Some of the most commonly known forms of marriage in Western countries are:

Civil Marriage: A civil marriage is a legal union between two individuals that is recognized by the state. Civil marriages are often performed by a government official, such as a justice of the peace or a mayor.

Religious Marriage: Religious marriages are performed by a religious official and are recognized by the religious organization. In most Western countries, religious marriages are also recognized by the state.

Same-Sex Marriage: Same-sex marriage is a legal union between two individuals of the same gender that is recognized by the state. This form of marriage has become increasingly recognized in many Western countries, including the United States, Canada, and several European countries.

In African countries, the concept of marriage is often tied to traditional cultural beliefs and practices. Some of the most commonly known forms of marriage in Africa are:

Polygamous Marriage: Polygamous marriages are marriages in which a person is married to more than one spouse at the same time. This form of marriage is recognized in many African countries, including Kenya, Senegal, and Mali.

Traditional Marriage: Traditional marriages in African countries often involve a series of rituals and ceremonies that are performed by the families of the bride and groom. These ceremonies are often steeped in tradition and are designed to bring the two families together.

In conclusion, the concept of marriage is a dynamic one that varies greatly across different cultures, religions, and countries. It is a social, cultural, and legal institution that has undergone several changes and modifications over the years, reflecting the cultural and societal values of each region. Whether it be an arranged marriage in India, a civil marriage in the West, or a traditional marriage in Africa, the underlying purpose of marriage remains the same: to create a union between two individuals that is recognized by law and society

Some Unbelievable marriages

Ghost Marriage: In some cultures, such as China and parts of Africa, families may arrange a marriage for a deceased relative to a living person. This is known as a ghost marriage and is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the families involved.

Mail-Order Marriage: In some countries, such as the Philippines and Russia, women may become brides through mail-order services. This involves a man choosing a bride from a catalog of women and having her sent to him to be married.

Tree Marriage: In India, some couples may choose to get married to a tree in a ceremony known as the “vata-savitri vrata”. This is a Hindu tradition that involves tying a sacred thread around a tree to symbolize the union between the couple.

Proxy Marriage: A proxy marriage is one in which one or both partners are not physically present for the wedding ceremony. Instead, a proxy, such as a relative or friend, stands in for the absent partner.

Friendship Marriage: In some cultures, such as Iran and the United Arab Emirates, friendship marriages are common. This involves two families coming together and arranging a marriage between their children, even if the couple has not met before.

Alien Abduction Marriage: In some cultures, people claim to have been abducted by aliens and then forced to marry them. These claims are not scientifically proven and are often considered to be hoaxes.

Time-Limited Marriage: In some cultures, such as Japan, couples may choose to have a time-limited marriage, also known as a “rent-a-husband” or “rent-a-wife” marriage. These marriages last for a set period of time, after which the couple goes their separate ways.

Group Marriage: In some cultures, such as the Oneida community in the United States, group marriages are practiced. This involves multiple partners being married to each other at the same time.

Symbolic Marriage: A symbolic marriage is one in which the couple is not legally married but engages in a ceremony or ritual that symbolizes their commitment to each other. These marriages are not recognized by the law and often serve as a way for the couple to show their devotion to each other.

Contract Marriage: In some cultures, such as Saudi Arabia, contract marriages are common. This involves a prenuptial agreement that outlines the terms of the marriage, including the length of the marriage and any financial arrangements.

In conclusion, these strange forms of marriage show the diverse and creative ways in which people around the world approach the institution of marriage. While some of these forms of marriage may seem unconventional, they are deeply rooted in cultural and religious traditions, and serve as a way for couples to express their love and commitment to each other.


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