Tips by Cardiac Specialists that makes your Heart healthy

Tips by Cardiac Specialists that makes your Heart healthy.

Here is a list of top 10 tips by Cardiac Specialists on how to keep the Heart healthy.

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1.Make yourself Smoke-free: Don't smoke or use tobacco products One of the best things you can do for your heart is to stop smoking .Did you know that smoking increases your risk of developing heart disease by 2 to 4 times! Even if you don't smoke, be sure to avoid secondhand smoke. The chemicals in tobacco can damage the heart and blood vessels. Cigarette smoke reduces the oxygen in the blood, which increases blood pressure and heart rate, as the heart has to work harder to provide enough oxygen to your body and brain.

2. Low intake of Salt : High Salt consumption can raise blood pressure, and high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart problems and Stroke. Reducing salt intake is an important part of a heart-healthy diet. Also, keep a watch on ready to eat foods as they generally have high Salt .

3. Diabetes patients : Did you know that people are Suffer with type 2 diabetes are 2 to 4 times more likely to develop heart disease with those who don’t have diabetes. So make positive lifestyle changes and keep your diabetes under control. One of the most important things you can do if you have diabetes is to maintain a healthy weight.

4. Daily physical activity : A healthy heart needs at least 30 to 60 minutes of activity each day. Regular daily physical activities can reduce the risk of heart disease. Physical activity helps you control your weight and reduce your chances of developing other conditions that can put stress on your heart, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol. 

5. Sleep : Get a good sleep Lack of sleep can do more than leave you yawning; As it may harm your health. Research has indicated that People who slep less than six hours a day increased risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes and depression . 

6. No Junk food: To protect your heart from Disease, avoid junk food and anything that basically comes out of a packet like biscuits, chips, etc. as these are high on salts, trans fats, and preservatives. Eat wholesome foods like fruits, green vegetables, nuts, lean protein, etc.

7. Chack your blood pressure : Chack Regular blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol are important to keep the heart-healthy. High blood pressure and cholesterol are silent killers that are slowly harm your heart health.which means that you won’t know you have them unless you get tested. So, go for regular cardiac check-ups especially after 35 years of age.

8. Long periods of sitting not good : When we go to office we spend more time sitting on the chair and when talking on the phone or watching TV. Long time sitting is not good for health.Take a Break and stand or walk This is great for your heart and body health.

9. Dealing with stress: High level of stress is bad for the heart health . Some people deal with stress in unhealthy ways such as overeating, drinking alcohol or smoking. Finding alternative ways to manage stress such as physical activities, relaxation exercises or meditation and listening to soothing music may improve your health .

10. MY HEART : If you want to improve my heart health then share the information with your friends and relatives you can share 2 then they further share with two. Thats making my Heart health . Over team is always ready serve you knowledgeable content So keep touch with us.


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